
The hakama (袴) is a traditional Japanese garment and that resembles skirt-like pants that is typically worn over a kimono. There are two main types of hakama: the divided hakama, known as umanori (馬乗り, meaning "horse-riding hakama"), and the undivided hakama, known as andon bakama (行灯袴, meaning "lantern hakama"). 


Historically, hakama were predominantly worn by nobles and samurai warriors during feudal Japan. They were a symbol of social status and were commonly worn during formal occasions. From the 16th to the 18th century, hakama became the preferred choice of bottoms for many people in Japan.

In modern times, the popularity of hakama has diminished. They are now primarily worn as a formal outfit for special events or as part of the standard uniform (gi) for martial arts such as Aikido, Judo, Kendo, and Karate.

While hakama are no longer as commonly worn in everyday life, they continue to hold cultural significance and are a representation of Japan's historical traditions. They serve as a reminder of the country's samurai heritage and are cherished as a symbol of elegance and tradition in formal settings and martial arts practice.


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