
A Hanfu (simplified Chinese: 汉服; traditional Chinese: 漢服; pinyin: Hànfú) is a traditional Chinese clothing attire that emerged during the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–220 A.D.) when it was the traditional attire for both men and women in China.


A typical Hanfu set includes an upper garment such as a dress, robe, jacket, or shirt, paired with a skirt as the lower garment. Along with the clothing pieces, Hanfu outfits incorporate various accessories such as belts, footwear, headwear, jewelry, yupei (玉佩) pendants made of jade, and hand fans.

While traditional Chinese attire had waned in popularity, there is currently a resurgence of interest in Hanfu, both within China and among overseas communities. This revival has propelled Hanfu into the fashion scene, gaining popularity worldwide.

Styles of Hanfu

  • Ruqun hanfu
  • Beizi hanfu
  • Shenyi hanfu
  • Shanku hanfu

Types of Hanfu

1. Traditional Hanfu

  • Han Dynasty hanfu
  • Zhou Dynasty hanfu
  • Qin Dynasty hanfu
  • Shang Dynasty hanfu
  • Tang Dynasty hanfu
  • Jin Dynasty hanfu
  • Song Dynasty hanfu
  • Yuan Dynasty hanfu
  • Ming Dynasty hanfu
  • Qing Dynasty hanfu

2. Modern Hanfu

Hanfu Parts and their names

1. Upper Garment

Yi Open cross-collar shirt.
Ru Open cross-collar shirt, only worn by women.

2. Lower Garment

Ku Trousers or pants.
Chang Skirt for men.
Qun Skirt for women.

3. Full Body attire

Pao Closed full-body garment.
Chang ru 长襦 Long skirt, only worn by women.

4. Outer Garment

Ao Multi-layer open cross-collar shirt or jacket.
Shan Single-layer open cross-collar shirt or jacket.
Banbi 半臂 A half-sleeved waistcoat.
Bixi 蔽膝 A cloth attached from the waist, covering front of legs.
Dou Peng 斗篷 Cape.
Pifeng 披风 Cloak.
Pibo 披帛 A long silk scarf, however not used to cover neck. Sometimes covering shoulders, other times just hanging from elbow.
Zhao shan 罩衫 Cloaking coat. Usually open at the front.

5. Inner garment

Dudou 肚兜 Belly Cover. Covers front upper body. Worn by women and children.
Moxiong 抹胸 Tube top. Worn by women.
Zhongyi 中衣 Inner garments, mostly white cotton or silk. Also called zhongdan (中单).

How to wear a Hanfu

  1. Start by selecting a hanfu ensemble that consists of an upper garment and a lower garment, such as a robe or dress with a skirt.

  2. Put on the inner layer, which is usually a long-sleeved top or a robe-like garment. Ensure that it fits comfortably and allows for ease of movement.

  3. Layer the outer garment, which can be a robe or a dress, over the inner layer. Adjust the collar and sleeves to fit properly.

  4. Wrap the belt around your waist, cinching it gently to create a defined silhouette. The belt can be wide or narrow, depending on the style of the hanfu.

  5. Put on the skirt, which is typically a wide and flowing garment. Adjust the length to your preference and secure it at the waist.

  6. Complete the look by accessorizing with appropriate footwear, such as traditional Chinese-style shoes or sandals.

  7. Consider adding accessories like jewelry, hair ornaments, or a hand fan to enhance the overall appearance.

  8. Style your hair in a way that complements the hanfu. Traditional hairstyles such as braids, buns, or hairpins can be incorporated.

  9. Take care to ensure that all the layers and details of the hanfu are arranged neatly and securely.

  10. Walk with grace and confidence, appreciating the beauty and elegance of the hanfu style. Embrace the rich cultural heritage that the hanfu represents and enjoy wearing it with respect and pride.


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